Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Te ‘Epetoma o te reo Maori' Kuki Airani

We have been thinking about different types of text structures when writing.We are happy to share some of our haiku and cinquain poems about the Cook Islands.

Cook Islands
Sparkly, hot
Biking, fishing, sewing
Relaxing with my mum

Written by Leah

Cook Islands
Breezy, sunny
Kayaking, exploring, relaxing
Surfing in the blue water

Written by Melelupe

Cook Islands
Shady, peaceful
Snorkeling, kayaking, resting
Exploring the adventurous environment

Written by Trinity

Cook Islands
Sunny, breezy
Weaving, fishing, relaxing
Surfing on the waves

Written by Evan

Cook Islands

Calm crystal ocean
Waves shimmering and shining
Trees swaying gently

Raw fish with veges
With coconut cream and lime
Tomato sliced up

Singing and dancing
Moving their hips side to side
Ei katus on heads

Written by Ivalani

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Be the BEST we can winners!

Congratulations to the following senior tamariki
who received ‘Be the BEST we Can’ Certificates
for Week 2 and Week 3.
Meitaki ma’ata for bringing
homemade Healthy Kai to school everyday.