Sunday, June 28, 2020

Healthy homemade kai in Room 10

Room 10 have some wonderful homemade lunches and we thank your beautiful parents for the aroha they show us and you by taking a genuine interest in the kai you eat so you remain fit and strong and live a healthy life. Your parents are super stars and we are very proud of you and them! 

Monday, June 1, 2020

Room 10 Highlights of Term 1

Learning about gardening and contributing mahi to our Yendarra mara

Trench composting is a way to compost easily our kitchen and garden waste.
We used spades to dig a big hole in the garden.
Next we filled the hole with fruit and vegetable waste and covered this with a layer
of dirt. Overtime the waste will break down and give nutrients to the soil for new plants to grow strong and healthy.

Harvesting fruit and vegetables is one of our favourite things to do in the mara. We learn the best times when to harvest different kai like tomatoes, beans and corn. Eating the fresh produce we have grown makes us not only healthy, also happy that we have helped to grow all this delicious food. Yum!