Monday, December 21, 2020
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
White Water Rafting!
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Monday, October 19, 2020
Bike ready visited Room 14
‘Bike ready’
WOW! How fortunate are we? Bike ready is a program that teaches tamariki how to ride bikes safely.
We have three amazing instructors Karin, Aidan and Zac. They have come to share their matauranga (knowledge) with us.
What an amazing experience.
“You need to do a helmet check, you check to ensure that it has no cracks, that it is a certified helmet or that it has a barcode, that the straps are even, the dial is adjustable.” By Tayla
You also do the 2,4,1 check.
2 - two fingers above your forehead and under your helmet.
4 - two fingers under your ears in a ‘v’ shape
1 - one finger, between the strap and under your chin.
Friday, October 16, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Monday, September 7, 2020
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Germ creators in Room 4
My name is Microbe Jack. I can make you miserably sick. My powers are teleporting. My friends are Isaac the Pencil Chewer and Lisa the Nose Picker. What I really like is when germs spread quickly and what I detest is when people wash their hands with soap and warm water.
By Malachi Nikolao
Hi! My name is Squirmy Germy. I am tiny and invisible. I can sneak up quietly on you and I can make you terribly sick. I can spread viruses everywhere around this humongous world. You cannot see me because I am invisible. When you wash your hands with soap and water I will not be there. I have disappeared quickly.
By Ana Latuhoi
Hi! My name is Firey Virus. I’m a terrible mysterious germ. I destroy everything with my powerful abilities. I am everywhere! I am invisible. I make people sick. I love my other virus friends. I am so tiny you can’t see me. I’m ugly and my friends are people who pick their nose, touch their mouth and don’t cover their mouth when they cough. I multiply in a flash! I don’t like people who wash their hands everyday because they shoo me away. NOOOOOOO! I’ve been destroyed!
By Ana Tauelangi.
My name is Virus Victor. I’m as mean as a dinosaur can ever be. My powers are multiplying and being invisible. You can’t see me, invisibility is my main key. Here are my friends Booger Eating Bob, Pencil Chewer Tina and Sneezing Suzie. When Suzie sneezes and doesn’t cover her mouth, I am happy as a crazy hyena. Do you know why I get so excited with glee? I spread everywhere and multiply happily. I will tell you what I don’t like are people who wash their hands and cover their mouth when coughing. I will no longer be there because Virus Victor will be destroyed into smithereens. BOOM! BOOM!
By Azaleah Nukanuka-Puleheloto.
My name is Bad Racey Germ. I am invisible and disgusting. I zoom around the city. I am menacing and terrible. Watch out!
By Tu’akifa Fatai.
My name is Master Germ. I can teleport around the room. I am ugly and I can zoom everywhere and make people horribly sick. Here I come!
By Felix Tuaato.
My name is Germy. I am invisible. I am disgusting and I dash around the world infecting everyone.
By Neivi Finau
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Mahi māra Term 2 2020
Broccoli, spinach and beetroot seedlings.
From seeds sown during the lockdown.
The boys digging a hole/tenching
Material is put in the hole and covered over
the previous summer … corn, kumara, tomatoes and the various pumpkins and
squash have been chopped up small, and the fallen leaves that have dropped
throughout the school grounds and picked up by Ms Baker and Ms Filipo have been
added to the bed.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Healthy homemade kai in Room 10
Monday, June 1, 2020
Room 10 Highlights of Term 1
Harvesting fruit and vegetables is one of our favourite things to do in the mara. We learn the best times when to harvest different kai like tomatoes, beans and corn. Eating the fresh produce we have grown makes us not only healthy, also happy that we have helped to grow all this delicious food. Yum!