Thursday, April 30, 2020

Term 1 in Room 14

In Room 14 we celebrate the success, firstly by our attendance.  Over the weeks in term 1, we achieved over 90% attendance every week.  Superb effort whanau, keep it up!  Secondly, we appreciate and thank all our whanau, for sending our tamariki to school with healthy kai and in the correct uniform everyday. Ngā mihi nui kia koutou.

Along with healthy kai, correct uniform and brilliant attendance, comes exciting learning. We use materials to assist us in maths and in other learning areas, we read books for a sustained amount of time, we share our understanding using keywords, we identify main points, we also looked at, how to greet someone in Te Reo Māori ‘the hongi - pressing of noses’ As you can see the fun of learning ain't over yet. During the term, our Year 5 and 6 students had the opportunity to head off to the whare kai and mahi mara, alongside Mr Greig and our wonderful volunteers. Not stopping there, we also welcomed Coach Alister, Coach Mikare and Coach Jarot.  They are teaching our tamariki the fundamentals for the sport code, Australian Football League (AFL). Our students are loving this experience.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Mahi māra

Learning in our māra is one of the most exciting times of the learning week for Room 10 because there is so much to do, learn about and then share with others.

John and Izrayl are kneeling on soft green knee pads while harvesting small yellow tomatoes which will be used in today's lunch meal.

Nako and Vuka are now digging a hole to put everybody’s fruit waste in. The fruit waste will produce nutrients for the garden as it breaks down helping us to have 'golden soil' to plant more vegetables to harvest in our māra.

Thank you to our volunteers especially Ms Powell for the aroha and manaakitanga you gift to us in our kīhini and māra. We feel very lucky to learn these valuable skills we will take with us beyond Yendarra.

Photography and captions by
Trinity Ha’unga and Ezekiel Greig