Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Room 3's Healthy kai

At the beginning of Term 3, Yendarra School had a look at healthy eating.  Our school-wide focus for the year is Numeracy.  So, Room 3 thought to have a look at investigating how much fruit and vegetables we eat compared with our junk food intake.  Our findings were very interesting.

We had a look at the food pyramid to discuss which types of food we eat heaps of compared with how much food we’re supposed to eat heaps of. 

Our investigation was question-driven.  First, we formulated a number of possible questions to choose from:  How many vegetables a day do we eat? How many students in Room 3 love to eat vegetables? What is Room 3’s favourite fruit to eat? 

The questions we chose were:  How many fruits and vegetables do we eat per day?  How much junk food do we eat per day?

Next, we had to gather suitable data.  We split into groups of four and gathered data.  With the help of our teacher, we collated all the data from all groups and put it together to present the data in a sensible way.

As we gathered data, we had more questions to ask.  It became clear who eats more fruit and vegetables and who eats more junk food.

We chose to present the class data through a bar graph because it’s clearer and easier to see the differences.

We found that our girls eat more fruits than the boys but, the boys eat more vegetables than the girls.

Overall, our data shows that our Year 3s eat more junk food than our Year 4s.

However, our data may not be truthful as some of our boys figured out how to manipulate the data.

So, our investigation is not yet final.  We did find out that our teacher, Mrs. Tuusolo does not like to eat fruit!

What will Room 3 investigate next?

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