As part of learning in term two we read books, watched videos and listened to music that told us the story of ANZAC.
We feel privileged because many made great sacrifices for all of us. To honour the memory of our fallen soldiers our school planned a special morning assembly and we have shared our feelings of this moment through our writing using the senses to describe our thoughts.
I feel rain drops running down my neck and face.
I hear a trumpet playing to say the war has now ended. It is making me cry but the rain washes away my tears.
I smell the fresh air blowing across my face.
I see people coming forward in the crowd and laying down their wreaths of remembrance.
I touch my hands and feel my heart during one minute of silence to remember the greatest sacrifice of time. By Prysaia R19
I hear people singing the national anthem and Yendarra children marching for ANZAC. I can hear Shalah-Maye, Joseph, Nora and Mrs Greig speaking on the microphone.
I can feel the water dripping on me and the air going through my skin. I feel rain splashing on my skin and it is making me cold.
I can touch the rain drops on the mat that we are sitting on and it has started to spread out.
I smell the air and the green grass as well.
I can see the Yendarra children and our families who came to honour the ANZAC soldiers. I am standing before the remembrance field and see crosses and New Zealand flags. By Trezal R19
I hear the bugle playing the last post telling me the war is now over.
I feel sad because the ceremony is making people cry as they remember the sacrifice of fallen soldiers.
I touch the pouring rain as we sing Te Aroha in peace.
I smell the fresh air while I am standing in front of the remembrance field.
I see white crosses with the names of fallen soldiers and nurses. It makes me feel so emotional because there were a lot of New Zealand men and women that served in war from our community and lost their lives. By Fesui R19